Dean Speech

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the noblest of all creation, Muhammad, and his pure, virtuous family. On behalf of the Faculty's deanery, academic, and administrative bodies, I extend the warmest welcome to visitors of the Biotechnological Sciences Faculty website. This portal serves as a vital medium through which we acquaint you with our faculty, its departments, objectives, and mission. Our aim is to elevate the educational and practical standards by attracting academically proficient instructors, in addition to utilizing the best methods and tools available to support scientific research and fully and correctly achieve the faculty's goals. Established in 2012, the Faculty of Biotechnological Sciences comprises two departments: Medical Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, and in 2018, we launched our postgraduate studies, offering a Master’s degree in Biotechnology. Our faculty prides itself on having highly competent teaching staff who work collaboratively, characterized by harmony, affection, and cooperation. They work diligently and devotedly to assist students and encourage them to enhance their university education level, which will, in turn, reflect on their professional performance in their future workplaces. Students are the centerpiece and outcome of the educational process, and our faculty, with its entire cadre, strives to prepare them to face life's challenges now and in the future. From this principle, our faculty endeavors to equip graduates with theoretical knowledge and scientific experiences in alignment with labor market needs. According to the strategic plan, the Faculty of Biotechnological Sciences aims to support scientific research, spread the culture of research, creativity, and innovation, and encourage competent faculty members and students to take an active role in building scientific and practical knowledge and leading the community. Finally, we pray to the Almighty to protect our country and beloved people and to guide us in serving them, for He is the All-Hearing, the Responsive.

Dean of The College